MATLAB: Find strings that contain multiple substrings at the same time


Hi, I have a array of strings and I would like to identify all those entries that contain two substrings at the same time. For example:
My strings are: 'First Example','Second Example', 'Third Example'
My Substrings are: 'irs','xam'
So I would like to identify the first string as the only one which contains both substrings. I have found a solution, but I am convinced that there must be a more elegant and efficient way of achieving this. My code looks as follows:
%set variables
rbCode = {'RB_DEP_LI_EQ_EED'; ...
rbMarketValue = {100; 80; 20; 70; 40; 30; 20};
%compare invested market value
strToFind ={'EQ';'_INV'};
%sum up rbMarketValue for all rbCodes that have both 'EQ' and '_INV' in
%their name
a = arrayfun(@(x) strfind(rbCode,char(strToFind(x))),1:size(strToFind),'un',false);
a1 = arrayfun(@(x) logical(~isempty(cell2mat(a{1,1}(x,1)))),1:size(rbCode));
a2 = arrayfun(@(x) logical(~isempty(cell2mat(a{1,2}(x,1)))),1:size(rbCode));
a3 = sum([a1' a2'],2);
a4 = cell2mat(rbMarketValue);
sumDeptInv = sum(a4(a3==2));
Any suggestion how I can achieve this? Thanks Sven

Best Answer

Actually using strfind is often faster than using regexp, and it has the significant advantage that all characters are interpreted literally (and not as special characters like with regexp). strfind can be used quite compactly for your task:
rbCode = {'RB_DEP_LI_EQ_EED'; ...
strToFind ={'EQ';'_INV'};
>> fun = @(s)~cellfun('isempty',strfind(rbCode,s))
>> out = cellfun(fun,strToFind,'UniformOutput',false)
>> idx = all(horzcat(out{:}),2)
idx =