MATLAB: Find specific datenum in Matrix

datenumhourly datenummatrix

Hi. I have a 14×14 (A)matrix.In column 1 are datenum values corresponding to a random hour of a day. I want to use these datenum values to find the hourly data in a much larger matrix(B) and then create a new matrix with the hourly data using the dates from A. So the new matrix should be 336×14

Best Answer

% extract dates
dates = datevec(SON_CS2_lowTCO(1:14,1));
% Remove h,m,s
dates = dates(:,1:3);
dates23 = dates;
% Add end of day to matrix
for i=1:14
findA2 = CS2_All(:,1) >=datenum(dates(i,1:3)) & CS2_All(:,1)<= datenum(dates23(i,1:6));
A2(24*i-23:24*i,:) = CS2_All(findA2,:);