MATLAB: Find specific cell in another cells

find; cell

Hi everyone,
Attachment is my file.
I would like to know the locations of this cells containes a specific cell-{21 31 1}
I try to use like below:
Match = {21 31 1};
CorrectMatch = find (cellfun(@(x) isequal (x,Match), condition(1,:)));
but it return 0.
Could any one help me?

Best Answer

match = {21 31 1}
does not exist in your actual condition variable. Your actual condition is a cell array of cell arrays of character vectors such as {'21' '31' '1'}
match = {21 31 1};
mm = cell2mat(match); %eg [21 31 1]
CorrectMatch = find( cellfun(@(c) isequal(str2double(c), mm),condition) );