MATLAB: Find row(s) of 3×3 matrix where the 1st and 2nd column equals a value


I have a 3×3 matrix, and i would like to find the rows where the 1st and 2nd columns equals a value.
M=[1 2 3
1 1 3
2 1 3]
Lets say I would like to find the row where both the 1st and 2nd column equals 1. In this case i would like to find row 2, and be able to extract the values of that row, i.e. 1 1 3.

Best Answer

Try this:
out = M(M(:,1)==1 & M(:,2)==1,:); % For the example provided with value 1
% For any generic value
out = M(M(:,1)== M(:,2),:);
Hope this helps.