MATLAB: Find Row and Column in Cell Array

cell arraycolumnfindrowstring

I am trying to matlab to output the row and column number for the location of a string, in this case 'Activity desc.'
table = {'test', 'ts', 'tst'; 'dvd', 'cd', 'tv'; 'type', 'Activity desc.', 'date'};
fnd = strfind(table,'Activity desc.');
test1 = find([fnd{:}] == 1);
test2 = find(cell2mat(cellfun(@(x) (isequal(x,1)), fnd, 'UniformOutput', false)));
test1 = 1
test2 = 6
This is the closest i've come from what I have found so far.

Best Answer

Never name a variable table because it will shadow the inbuilt function.
[row,column] = find(strcmp(TAble,'Activity desc.'))
[row,column]=find(ismember(TAble,'Activity desc.')) % if you're using version prior to strcmp() was introduced