MATLAB: Find numeric columns in a cell array

cell arraysdataset

I would like to use gplotmatrix on a dataset data, which contains mixed data (numeric and strings). However, gplotmatrix works on numeric data, so I need to convert my dataset to a matrix. As far as I understand, the only way is to do this is by
However, the second command doesn't work, because C contains non-numeric columns. Is there a way to find which columns of a cell array contains only numbers? Thanks a lot,

Best Answer

% C is a cell array, like
C = {1 2 3 4 5 ; 11 '12' 13:15 14 []}
q = cellfun(@(x) isnumeric(x) && numel(x)==1, C) % true for elements of C that are numerical scalars
IsAllNum = all(q,1) % true for columns of C that have only numerical scalars
X = cell2mat(C(:,IsAllNum)) % select and convert