MATLAB: Find new matrix whose rows summation is between two integers

matrixrow summation

I have a matrix A of size (nx9). I need to keep only rows who has row summation (m) between two integers number k=130 and c=135
as below example i am doing the solution manually. but i need to do auomatically because my original matrix size is (8760×9)
A =[7 16 42 8 49 0 2 0 8;
7 16 42 8 28 0 2 0 11;
7 16 42 8 49 0 2 0 8;
1 6 42 8 28 45 6 5 6;
7 16 42 8 49 0 2 0 8;
9 14 42 32 28 0 2 0 4;]
row1_sum = 132 ; row2_sum = 114; row3_sum =132; row4_sum =147; row5_sum =132; row6_sum=131
so the new matrix is
B=[a(1,:); a(3,:); a(5,:); a(6,:)]
B =[7 16 42 8 49 0 2 0 8
7 16 42 8 49 0 2 0 8
7 16 42 8 49 0 2 0 8
9 14 42 32 28 0 2 0 4]

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