MATLAB: Find Nan in cell

find nan in cell

I want to find nan element in A,
A={[],[],[31],[2,1]}; %first case
A1={[],[2],[3],[6]}% second case

I used this code, but did not give me the correct answer
P=cellfun(@(x) isnan(x),A,'UniformOutput',false);
after that, check if first and second elemnt is nan, put A as [];
aswer should be
A=[] % first case
A1={[],[2],[3],[6]}% second case

Best Answer

Use isempty..not isnan
A={[],[],[31],[2,1]}; %first case
A1={[],[2],[3],[6]}% second case
P=cellfun(@(x) isempty(x),A,'UniformOutput',false)