MATLAB: Find Min/Max Value of a Column in a Matrix


Hello and Happy Christmas. i have a Variable Buff that is a 231×3 Matrix. My Code looks like this:
Buff = zeros(numel(1286:10:1486)*numel(873:10:973),3);
Ctr = 1;
for step1 = 1286:10:1486
for step2=873:10:973
Buff(Ctr, 1) = step2;
Buff(Ctr, 2) = step1;
Buff(Ctr, 3) = J_Bolzen;
Ctr = Ctr+1;
save test.dat Buff;
So i have 3 Columns, Column1=step2, Column2=step1 and Column3=J_Bolzen. Now i want find the min Value of the Column3 and the associated Position in the Matrix ( Row and Column ). My first attempt was:
[r c] =find(Buff==min(Buff(:)))
but it looks for the min value of the whole Matrix. It should looks for the min value of Column3 of the Matrix Buff and give the output for that min value and their position in the Matrix
Thanks Guys 😀

Best Answer

[r c] =find(Buff==min(Buff(:,3)))
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