MATLAB: Find min and max of consecutive values in an array and save these values in a nx2 matrix


So I need to find the min and max values of consecutive values stored in a vector like the following:
v = [670; 671; 672; 680; 681; 682; 700; 701; 702; 703;…]
My end goal is to have the min and max values displayed like so:
'The problem occurs in segments: 670 – 672, 680 – 682, 700 – 703, …'
I hope I am specific.
Any Ideas?

Best Answer

v = [670; 671; 672; 680; 681; 682; 700; 701; 702; 703]
idx = find([true; diff(v(:))~=1; true]);
minmaxseq = [v(idx(1:end-1)) v(idx(2:end)-1)]