MATLAB: Find maximum values related to index

findfor loopindexMATLABmax

Hello community,
I am trying to write a for loop to find the maximum values in column 2 for each group variable in column 1. I tried a for loop to no avail. Any help would be appreciated.
The solution should result in a maximum value, corresponding row index, for each group variable in column 1. So, the solution should yield 1) the group index associated with stests(:,1) 2) maximum values of stests(:,2) per group index 3) the row index of stests corresponding to each max value result
I attached a 2418×2 matrix called stests.
I apologize ahead of time for my lack of proper data science language.
Very much appreciated.
Regards, Mark

Best Answer

Ideal job for findgroups and splitapply.
VAL is the max value in each group, located at id_l (local group index). For example, id_l=2 if max value is second value in group.
%%Find max value and local index
%%Find global index
%Store results