MATLAB: Find max and min values, seperated by max or min


I have a large set of numbers and need to find two minimum values and two maximum values. However it shouldn't just be the two absolute max and min values they need to be seperated by a max or min value. So max,min,max,min.

Best Answer

Let A be your array.
[val1,idx1] = max(A) ;
A(idx1) = NaN ;
[val2,idx2] = max(A) ;
if idx1 > idx2
[val3,idx3] = min(A(idx2:idx1)) ;
[val3,idx3] = min(A(idx1:idx2)) ;
[val4,idx4] = min(A(idx2:end)) ;
Also read about findpeaks. Also you can sort array and get it.