MATLAB: “find” function doesn’t work


Hi~ I got a weird problem here. See the attached picture. "find" works for some values and doesn't for some others. It could a stupid question but can anybody help? Thanks a lot!
So the wavelength vector "lem" has some value but "find" can't find it.
The following is what happens in the command window. It can find the number value but can't find the variable x which equals that value.
>> x
x =
>> jj = find(lem==x)
jj =
Empty matrix: 1-by-0
>> jj = find(lem==507.0350)
jj =

Best Answer

find() works fine. Your array does not contain the value in x. If you were to try
lem(3408) - x
you would find that the result is non-zero.