MATLAB: Find for sign changes


Columns 49 through 56
0.8710 0.9483 1.0408 1.1538 1.2956 1.4796 1.7292 2.0885
Columns 57 through 64
2.6538 3.6815 6.1847 119.1838 -118.8424 -5.8436 -3.3407 -2.3137
Above is part of my results. I need to find for value that changes from positive to negative. In the above data, after 119.1838(column 60) the -118.8424(column 61) appears. I need to find this value. Hoe can I do this?

Best Answer

find(x(1:end-1)>0 & x(2:end) < 0)
Another approach that might be close enough for your purposes: