MATLAB: Find Diverging point of two arrays


Hi, I want to find the diverging point of two arrays. Please see the figure. In this figure the point may be around 44-48, where the arrays diverges fast. I am not able to do.

Best Answer

Alternatively, if similar behavior is always expected, you could fit a piecewise linear model to each curve and compare the slopes of the second segment to the first to see which is the more pronounced change. If it's known the two curves always have same relative shape then probably that breakpoint for the one is going to be pretty good estimate. I posted code some months ago demonstrating solving the breakpoint altho I don't recall the question subect...
OK, here's the link--search did work one only second try to think of what used as catchword...
Seems to work reasonably well...I first plotted
x=1:length(d); x=x(:); % x as observation number
sx=std(x); mx=mean(x);
xpr=(x-mx)/sx; % standardize for better numeric properties later
plotyy(x,d(1:2:end),x,d(2:2:end)) % see shapes together; same scaling
and concluded are similar enough to only deal with one specifically as representative of all.
>> b=nlinfit(xpr,d(:,1),@piecewise,[-1 0 0 5]) % estimate breakpoint
b =
-0.1447 0.6965 -0.0294 6.5596
>> yh=piecewise(b,xpr); % evaluate the fitted regression
>> close % start new figure
>> plot(d(:,1),'x') % plot original
>> hold on
>> plot(yh,'r') % overlay the fit
Looks pretty good estimate of where the breakpoint would/should what is it?
>> xBreak=b(3)*sx+mx % convert the break coefficient estimate to x-coordinates
xBreak =
The piecewise regression function is
>> type piecewise
function y=piecewise(b,x)
% Piecewise linear regression
% y = a1 + b1*x, x<C
% y = a2 + b2*x, x>C
% = a1 + C*(b1-b2) + b2*x
% Input coefficients as vector of [a1 b1 C b2]
ix=x>b(3); % location> breakpoint
y(ix)=[b(1) + b(3)*(b(2)-b(4))+b(4)*x(ix)];
Given the characteristic shapes are so similar, the "divergence" location is pretty much the location at which the two pieces of the first curve change characteristics. This gives at least a reasonable estimate of where that breakpoint is.
It appears that the second portion is nearly quadratic; I've nor worked on the algebra to see about actually implementing that; you need another condition to tie the coefficients together as above where solve for a2 in terms of a1 and C by equating the two pieces at the intersection point, ie,
a1+b1*C = a2+b2*C --> a2 = a1 + (b1-b2)*C
One possible refinement might be to use the above for an initial estimate the fit the quadratic from floor(xBreak:end) and then look for where that residual peaks to the left of that point. This would rely on the data being quadratic as nearly as seems to be in the sample data, probably.
I just stuck in the actual value...
>> bq=polyfit(x(48:end)',d(48:end,1),2) % fit quadratic over the last
bq =
-0.0025 0.6033 -24.5031
>> yhq=polyval(bq,x(48:end)'); % evaluate it
>> hold on
>> plot(x(48:end)',yhq,'r') % the fitted quadratic
>> plot(x(48:end)',yhq-d(48:end,1),'g') % add the residual