MATLAB: Find coordinates point M


I need to find the coordinates of point M. Has anyone got any idea of how to find them?
Thanks in advance

Best Answer

See attachment.
The symbolic solution will be very messy and require quite a lot of algebra. If you have the symbolic math toolbox, Matlab can do this.
I like David Goodmanson's idea. Using his approach I get:
Ax = ; Ay = ;
Bx = ; By = ;
k = ; % This is a fraction (from 0 to 1) Makes sure that P lies on AB
Px = k*(Bx-Ax);
Py = k*(By-Ay);
d0 = ;
% Calculate distance from P to B
dPB = sqrt((Bx-Px)^2+(By-Py)^2);
Mx = Px - dPB/dPB^2*(By-Py)*d0;
My = Py - (Bx-Px)/(By-Py)*(Mx-Px);
See the attachment (2) for the derivation.
With this approach, d0 is a signed quantity. If you set d0 to a negative value, M will be on the opposite side of line AB.