MATLAB: Find common non-zero indexes

i have a matrix like this:
And matrix B and C are row numbers derived from matrix A based on some condition.
I want to compare values of matrix B with each value of matrix C and find what nonzero indexes are common between both in matrix A.
for example: first value of B is 7 and it will be compared with all values of C. In first iteration, comparison will be 7 and 1 and result will be 3 because 3rd value is common nonzero value between both. Similarly:
result(7,3)=0 (No nonzero index is common)
and similarly after 7, 8 will be compared with all values of C.
Please help on this.

Best Answer

[EDIT 2]
[C,~] = find(bsxfun(@ne,(1:size(A,1))',B(:)'));
n = numel(B);
B1 = repelem(B,numel(C)/n);
k = squeeze(num2cell( bsxfun(@times,bsxfun(@and,A(C,:), A(B1,:)),1:size(A,2)),2 ));
result = cellfun(@nonzeros,k,'un',0);
result(cellfun(@isempty,result)) = {0}
result = reshape(result,[],n);