MATLAB: Find common elements between two vectors and extract data from matrix (vectorized)


I understand this is different question than the one answered in
I need to find elements of one small vector into a big vector, and based on that generate a new vector (same size as big vector) using elements of a matrix.
%A is 4x1
A =[1, 6, 5'] %%elements are different
%B is much larger, 6x1
B =[5 5 1 1 1 6 ]'
%A2 is
A2=[101, 501, 601;
102, 502, 602;
103, 503, 603]
% BBB is same dim as B, but using elements from A2
BBB=[501 502 101 102 103 601]'
[~,X]=ismember(B,A) %[~, ~, Xb]=unique(B) brings same result
Does not bring the correct location of columns in A2. Using
does bring the correct location of columns in A2.
But how do I extract the rows?

Best Answer

A3 = fix(A2.*(10.^-floor(log10(A2))));
[ii,~] = find(squeeze(all(A3==reshape(B,1,1,[]))));
[~,~,c] = unique(ii,'stable');
jj = cell2mat(arrayfun(@(x)(1:x)',accumarray(c,1),'un',0));
out = A2(sub2ind(size(A2),jj,ii));