MATLAB: Find Column Number in Table


I would like to subset a table into columns before a certain variable and columns after that variable. Is there a way to locate a column number within a table? Is there a more clever way to do this?
load patients
BloodPressure = [Systolic Diastolic];
T = table(Gender,Age,Smoker,BloodPressure,'RowNames',LastName);
A = *findColNumber*(T, 'Age'); % Some function that will locate the column number of 'Age'.
T1 = T(:, 1:A);
T2 = T(:, A+1:end);
'patients' is a standard example data set included in R2014a. Entering the command 'load patients' should load the relevant data.

Best Answer

Table variable have property fields
you can use that to find the column number like this
ans =
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