MATLAB: Find closest value in array

arrayclosest valuevector

I have two vector(which are time stamps) like,
1375471092848936 1375473384440853
1375473388165900 1375471277856598
1375471320476780 1375473388165900
1375473388947681 1375471322465961
1375473392527002 1375471335206288
.................. ..................
My goal is to find closest time in N with respect to V (i.e. find time in N which is nearly equal with V). My frame is W = 1e4, furthermore V should lies between N-W and N+W. So how do I get closest time through MATLAB? Any help would be appreciated.

Best Answer

To compute the closest value in a vector “N” for each element of “V”, try the following code with example vectors “N” and “V”:
V = randi(10,[5 1])
N = randi(10,[5 1])
A = repmat(N,[1 length(V)])
[minValue,closestIndex] = min(abs(A-V))
closestValue = N(closestIndex)
Note that if there is a tie for the minimum value in each column, MATLAB chooses the first element in the column.