MATLAB: Find cells that start with text and combine it with next cell

cell arraysMATLAB

I have a cell array like:
I want to find cells that start with text and combine that with next cell and store in same variable. Output should be something like:
{'Test1 10v'}
{'Test2 80v'}

Best Answer

>> C = {'Test1';'10v';'20va';'30v';'50v';'65v';'Test2';'80v';'100v'}
C =
>> X = cellfun('isempty',regexp(C(:),'^\D','once'));
>> Y = cumsum([1;X(1:end-1)]);
>> F = @(x){sprintf(' %s',C{x})};
>> Z = strtrim(accumarray(Y,(1:numel(C)).',[],F))
Z =
'Test1 10v'
'Test2 80v'