MATLAB: Find cell and return index

find; cell

Hi everyone,
a = { {21 3 1}, {22 32 2}, {21 31 2}, {22 32 1} };
I would like to know the locations of the cells containing a specific value- {21 31 1}
In this case, it's 1.
I try to use like below:
Match = {21 31 1};
CorrectMatch = find (cellfun(@(x) isequal (x,Match), a(1,:)));
but it doesn't work out
Could any one help me?

Best Answer

Your Match is not a pattern in your "a" so that's why it didn't find it. {21 31 1} is nowhere in a. If it still does not work and you want a simple, intuitive for loop, then try this:
a = { {21 3 1}, {22 32 2}, {21 31 2}, {22 32 1} };
% Define what we want to find
pattern = {21 3 1};
% Instantiate output vector of where matches were found.
matches = false(size(a));
for col = 1 : length(a)
if isequal(a{col}, pattern)
matches(col) = true;
matches % Show matches in command window.