MATLAB: Find and trim text in a table


I have a table with a column of strings. In each string, I need to find the '_' character and trim off it and all text to the right. My brain has stopped working and can't figure it out. Thanks!
T = table({"A_1";"A_2";"A_10"},[1;2;1],[6;7;5],...
'VariableNames',{'Section' 'Data1' 'Data2'})
T =
Section Data1 Data2
_______ _____ _____
"A_1" 1 6
"AB_2" 2 7
"B_10" 1 5
What I'd like is….T=
Section Data1 Data2
_______ _____ _____
"A" 1 6
"AB" 2 7
"B" 1 5

Best Answer

use regexprep,
T = table({"A_1";"AB_2";"B_10"},[1;2;1],[6;7;5],...
'VariableNames',{'Section' 'Data1' 'Data2'});
T.Section = cellfun(@(x) regexprep(x,'(?=\_)[\S]*',''),T.Section,'uni',0)
T =
3×3 table
Section Data1 Data2
_______ _____ _____
["A" ] 1 6
["AB"] 2 7
["B" ] 1 5