MATLAB: Find and save the rows where condition is met


I have a 1×3001 cell, 'y', and I want matlab to loop through all the cells and save all the rows where the value in column 2 is <-0.13.
I have the following code but i get the error below. Please could somebody help me fix this?
%for all the csv files (3001)
for b = 1:length(data)
%get the ID number (:,1) and coordinates (:,6) and save them in an array
y{b} = table2array(data{b}(:,[1 6]));
%find and save all the rows in each csv file where column 2 is <-0.13
g{b} = y{b}(y(:,2) <= -0.13, :);
Undefined operator '<=' for input arguments of type 'cell'.

Best Answer

for b = 1:length(data)
%get the ID number (:,1) and coordinates (:,6) and save them in an array
y{b} = table2array(data{b}(:,[1 6]));
%find and save all the rows in each csv file where column 2 is <-0.13
g{b} = y{b}(y{b}(:,2) <= -0.13, :);