MATLAB: Find and insert missing dates in a table with irregular timestamp

datetimeinsert missingirregular timestampMATLABtable

I have a data file with irregular dates, which looks like this:
_________ _______ _____ _______
5/21/2017 '00:00' '' '24:00'
5/22/2017 '00:00' '' '24:00'
5/23/2017 '00:00' '' '24:00'
5/24/2017 '00:00' '' '24:00'
5/25/2017 '00:00' '' '24:00'
5/26/2017 '00:00' '' '24:00'
5/27/2017 '00:00' '' '24:00'
5/27/2017 '02:00' '' '01:00'
5/28/2017 '00:00' '' '24:00'
5/29/2017 '00:00' '' '24:00'
5/30/2017 '00:00' '' '24:00'
5/31/2017 '00:00' '' '24:00'
6/1/2017 '00:00' '' '07:00'
6/3/2017 '00:00' '' '24:00'
6/4/2017 '00:00' '' '24:00'
6/5/2017 '00:00' '' '24:00'
6/6/2017 '00:00' '' '24:00'
I would like to find and insert the missing dates (in this case the 2nd of June), but since the dates are irregular the retime command does not work.

Best Answer

retime should work. Let's make a sample timetable with a few pieces of data.
dt = datetime(2017, [5; 5; 5; 6; 6; 6; 6], [29; 30; 31; 1; 3; 4; 5]);
tt = timetable(dt, (1:7).')
To make the time vector of the timetable tt a daily vector by filling the missing value in Var1 with NaN (which is the missing value for double precision data) use retime and specify 'daily' as the NEWTIMESTEP input.
tt2 = retime(tt, 'daily')
To interpolate the value of Var1 for June 2nd using linear interpolation:
tt3 = retime(tt, 'daily', 'linear')
The help text and documentation for retime list other methods for filling in the data for new rows.
If you've tried retime and it hasn't worked, can you show us a small example of your timetable and how you call retime?