MATLAB: Find a word in sentence by “strfind”

search by wordstrfindو

i want to search in a cell by a word using "strfind" and if it exist return 1 if not return 0
this is the rows i search in:
i am using now "strcmpi" as: % it returns 1 or 0 but it search only for the same word % strfind: search for any word containing this letters%
if strcmpi(alldata{i,6},'battery') % search for word "battery" in 6th column
how i can do it by "strfind" ?
note : i split the sentence into words for easy search so i want by the end to sum the whole row if the sum =< 1 means that this row has the word i search for

Best Answer

You can simply wrap the strfind inside isempty, like this:
>> ~isempty(strfind('Schroedingers cat is alive!','cat'))
ans =
You can also use regexp to quickly identify matching substrings. Here is a simple example that locates the string cat inside a cell array of strings.
>> A = {'the cat sat on the mat','the cat in the hat','four blind mice','cats!'};
>> ~cellfun('isempty',regexp(A,'cat'))
ans =
1 1 0 1
And if you want case-insensitive matching then use regexpi instead. Note that regexp also has many other powerful features that may be of interest to you... the documentation explains these, with examples too.