MATLAB: Find a correlation


I have a Matrix
X=[0.231914928 3.126057882 -1.752476846
-0.779092587 2.143243132 -1.944363312
-1.744892449 1.206497824 -2.267829067
-0.276817947 1.774687601 -1.768924258
-0.367233254 1.697905199 -1.508506912
-0.367233254 1.697905199 -1.508506912
-1.378240769 0.814907572 -1.700393377
-2.389248284 -0.060411815 -1.892279842
-1.333033116 0.860977013 -1.831972668
0.135041386 1.40613207 -1.333067858]
At first I want to calculate the correlation coefficient between all X columns which can be done like this
then I want to see which pair of columns has the highest correlation together for example column 1 with 2 ? 1 with 3? 2 with 3?
then the one that has correlation more than 0.5 lets say for example columns 1 and 2 , then check their correlation with y and say which one is more correlated

Best Answer

For highest correlation:
maxR = max(max(triu(R,1))) % highest correlation
[row,col] = find(R==maxR,1,'first')
The greatest correlation occurs between the columns row an col.
Second question:
[r w] = max([corr(X(:,row),Y) corr(X(:,col),Y)])
w equal to 1 means that X(:,row) has a higher correlation than X(:,col). w equal to 2 mean that X(:,col) has a higher correlation than X(:,row).