MATLAB: Financial time series obiect: get a column by name string

MATLABmatlab financial time series object column access by string

Say, I have a fts object of type:
dt =
desc: (none)
freq: Daily (1)
'dates: (2715)' 'times: (2715)' 'A: (2715)' 'B: (2715)' 'C: (2715)'
to access a column, you'd do something like:
What if you'd want to place this in a function and pass the column name as a string argument:
col_name = 'A'
Is there a way to access this column from dt having its name in a string?

Best Answer

Again, similarly to the other question, relate it to the struct; I didn't find the similar documentation under the financial TS link, but here is link for structures; should work the same way...