MATLAB: Final delay states for use in closed loop simulation – how to get them if I have several external predictors

closed loopDeep Learning Toolboxgeh-recommendedlayer statesnarxneural network

I have trained a NARXNET to the point where I’m satisfied with its performance, but almost every time I convert the net into closed loop form to predict ahead without targets the first few values that are being predicted are way off where they should be – if I’m for example simulating 60 steps ahead with external predictors, it is very common that the first 1:5 predictions are much less accurate than the remaining 6:60.
I suspect that this problem has to do with the layer states that I’m using in the closed loop simulation, I read a post made some time ago by Mark Hudson Beale giving an example as to how to acquire the correct delay states to use in closed loop simulation as:
%(This is just the last part of the example)
% Initial 2nd layer states for closed loop contination will be the
% processed second input's final states. Initial 1st layer states
% will be zeros, as they have no delays associated with them.
Ai2 = cell2mat(Xf(2,:));
for i=1:length(net.inputs{1}.processFcns)
fcn = net.inputs{i}.processFcns{i};
settings = net.inputs{i}.processSettings{i};
Ai2 = feval(fcn,'apply',Ai2,settings);
Ai2 = mat2cell([zeros(10,2); Ai2],[10 1],ones(1,2));
% Closed loop simulation on X2 continues from open loop state after X.
Y2 = sim(netc,X2,Xi2,Ai2);
When I run the code on his example it works fine, but since I in my own problem have several external predictors, when I try it there I’m getting an error saying:
Error using mat2cell (line 97)
Input arguments, D1 through D2, must sum to each dimension of the input matrix size, [37 2].'
Because what I’m getting out from the loop (Ai2) is a 27×2 matrix that has just been processed by the nets process function mapminmax.
Could someone advise me on how to get the correct delay conditions for closed loop simulation in a situation with multiple external predictors?

Best Answer

FROM: On Designing a Feedback Time-Series Neural Network for Operational Deployment
[ X,T ] = pollution_dataset;
x = cell2mat(X); t = cell2mat(T);
[ I N ] = size(x); % [ 8 508 ]
[ O N ] = size(t); % [ 3 508 ]
vart = mean( var( t',1) ) % 102.91
neto = narxnet;% (ID,FD,H) = (1:2,1:2,10)
neto.divideFcn = 'divideblock';
[ Xo Xoi Aoi To ] = preparets( neto, X, {}, T );
to = cell2mat( To ); varto = mean( var( to',1) )% 102.62
[ neto tro Yo Eo Xof Aof ] = train( neto, Xo, To, Xoi, Aoi );
% Yo = net(Xo,Xoi,Aoi); Eo = gsubtract(To,Yo)
% Google: wikipedia/R-squared
Rsqo = 1 - mse(Eo)/varto % 0.70731
[ netc Xci Aci ]= closeloop( neto, Xoi, Aoi );
view( netc )
[ Xc Xci Aci Tc ] = preparets( netc, X, {}, T );
tc = cell2mat( Tc ); vartc = mean( var( tc',1) ) %102.62
[ Yc Xcf Acf ] = netc( Xc, Xci, Aci );
Ec = gsubtract( Tc, Yc);
Rsqc = 1 - mse( Ec ) / vartc % 0.39263
if Rsqc < 0.95*Rsqo
[ netc trc Yc2 Ec2 Xcf2 Acf2 ] = train( netc, Xc, Tc, Xci, Aci );
Rsqc2 = 1 - mse(Ec2) / vartc % 0.5087