MATLAB: Filtering values of one matrix according to another

filteringmatrix manipulationprogramming

Hi, I want to filter out rows of one matrix (V) according to values in another (F) and store them in another matrix, V1. F corresponds to some values in the 3rd column of V. The values in F are non-consecutive so a simple loop wouldn't work. Yet filtering using logical indexing (which I normally use) won't work either since F is not a scalar. I'm not a programmer and not a frequent matlab user so it's difficult for me to grasp what's going wrong. I've pasted some of the versions that haven't worked below:
%1 -- didn't work because F is neither a scalar nor the same size of V
F = [4;5;6;9;10;11];
V1 = V((V(:,3) == F ):);
%2 -- this gave a syntax error
V1 = V((V(:,3) >= start <= end ):);
Sounds really stupid but I don't know how to do this?

Best Answer

V1 = V(ismember(V(:,3),F),:);
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