MATLAB: Filtering traffic belonging to particular subnets (title may be misguiding)


say we have a cell array of nx1 strings, i.e ip addresses.something like
'' '' '' '' '' ''
i have to uniquely filter out each subnet like
'' – 2 occurences '' – 2 occurences '' – 1 occurence '' – 1 occurence
the input is taken from a text or xls file. solutions ??

Best Answer

You cannot do this without knowing where the subnet boundaries are.
Yes, you could use the obsolete "Class A", "Class B" definitions, but if you do that then is Class C and would imply a subnet of 129.24.78.x rather than 129.24.x.x
Your entire series of questions on subneting and packet filtering would have gone much more smoothly if you had adopted CIDR early on.