MATLAB: Filtering noise from an audio signal

fftfilterfrequencynoise frequency

I have an audio signal, and I have two plots in the freq domain, amp vs freq and pow vs freq. Graphs attached.Can someone please tell me how do I find out which is the noise frequency and which is the sound frequency.
Code used for the plot:
Amp plot:
frequency_noise1 = fft(samples_noise1);
L = size(samples_noise1,1);
Fn = freqeuncyS_noise1/2;
FTy = frequency_noise1/L;
Fv = (linspace(0, 1, L/2)*Fn)/1000; %converting to KHz
Iv = 1:numel(Fv); % to match the vector sizes of X and Y
plot(Fv, abs(FTy(Iv,:)));
xlim([0 15]); %show x lim 0-5, 0-10, 0-15
ylim([0 0.01]);
title('Music plot Freq vs Amplitude')
set(gca, 'fontsize', 16);
Pow plot:
frequency_noise1 = fft(samples_noise1);
numberOf_samples = length(samples_noise1); % number of samples
f = (0:numberOf_samples-1)*(freqeuncyS_noise1/numberOf_samples); % frequency range
power = abs(frequency_noise1).^2/numberOf_samples; % power of the DFT
And also which filter should I chose to filter out my noise frequency

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