MATLAB: FilterDesigner toolbox error: Undefined function ‘eml_bitand’ and ’eml_asser​t_all_cons​tant’

Communications Toolboxdesigneml_assert_all_constanteml_bitandfilterundefined

I am trying to use the FilterDesigner tool in MATLAB, but I am encountering some problems. When trying to create a FIR filter, I get the error message:
Undefined function ‘eml_bitand’ for input arguments of type ‘int32’
I also tried designing the filter with the 'fir1' function, which belongs to the same toolbox, but it gives another error:
Undefined function or variable ‘eml_assert_all_constant’

Best Answer

This issue may be caused by an incorrect path in MATLAB. Restoring the default path can resolve the issue. Please note that this will remove any custom folders from your path, which you can back up using the instructions here:
>> restoredefaultpath
>> rehash toolboxcache
>> savepath