MATLAB: Filter contents of a table


I've the following table
tbl = table(['1'; '2'; '3'; '4'; '5'; '6'],['1'; '3'; '2'; '2'; '4'; '1'],'VariableNames', {'name', 'value'})
I would like to filter rows that don't have 'value' 3 and 4.
Expected result:
tbl = table(['1'; '3'; '4'; '6'],['1'; '2'; '2';'1'],'VariableNames', {'name', 'value'})
Any suggestions on how this can be done?

Best Answer

Why are numeric values entered as text/characters?
ix=~ismember(str2num(tbl.value),[3 4]);
If the real question is for table that is using nonnumeric character data, then use one of the string search functions instead. For the actual question, I'd strongly suggest either build the table as numeric to begin with or immediately convert to double.