MATLAB: Filter a timetable by day

filterfor loopMATLABtable2timetable

How can I create timetable that only groups the information from the following timetable by day?
timeStamps = datetime([2017 3 4; 2017 3 5; 2017 3 4; 2017 3 5; 2017 3 4; 2017 3 5; 2017 3 4; 2017 3 5]);
hour = [8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9]';
Volume = [5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40]';
Price= [40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5]';
T= table(timeStamps, hour, Volume, Price)
TT= table2timetable(T)
This is just an example, my real timetable is composed of several days, perhaps with a for loop?

Best Answer

I am not certain what you intend by ‘groups’.
One option is to use the retime function:
TTRT = retime(TT, 'daily','mean')
2×3 timetable
timeStamps hour Volume Price
___________ ____ ______ _____
04-Mar-2017 8.5 20 25
05-Mar-2017 8.5 25 20