MATLAB: File attachments in MATLAB Answers open as links

file attachmentmatlab answer

When I try to download file attachments included with posts to MATLAB answers they instead open in my Chrome Web Browser. If they are text files I can still copy and paste them into a new document and then save them as a file, but for non text files, e.g. .mat files I can not see or use them at all. My OS is Windows 7, and as I mentioned my web browser is Google Chrome. I saw an earlier question which described the same problem back in 2015,, but it wasn't clear to me what the solution if any was, from this thread.
Maybe there is something simple I am misunderstanding about how to use the MATLAB answers site.
If anyone knows, please let me know how I can download file attachments in MATLAB Answers rather than have them open in my web browser.

Best Answer

You need to click with the right button of the mouse the link and then click in "Save link as".