MATLAB: Figure size for multiple subplots is not even


I would like to have two subplots with a legend under them. Unfortunately the upper plot is smaller the the lower one. My example is.
clear all;
close all;
%%Generate data
f = 200;
x(:,1) = linspace(0,1,101);
for i = 1:n;
y1(:,i) = linspace(-100,i*10,101);
y2(:,i) = linspace(-4,i,101);
list{i} = [num2str(f) ' Hz'];

%%Plot data
ax1 = subplot(211);
axis([0 1 -100 20]);
LY1 = get(ax1,'YLim');
Bildhoehe1 = get(gcf);
NumTicksY1 = abs((LY1(1)-LY1(2))/20);
n1 = get(gcf);
ax2 = subplot(212);
axis([0 1 -5 1]);
LY2 = get(ax2,'YLim');
Bildhoehe2 = get(ax2, 'position');
NumTicksY2 = abs((LY2(1)-LY2(2))/1);
set(ax2,'YTick', linspace(LY2(1),LY2(2),NumTicksY2+1));
n2 = get(gcf);
%%Change ylabel for subplot
hLabel1 = ylabel(ax1,'Amplitude in dB');
hLabel2 = ylabel(ax2,'Phase in \pi');
pos1 = get(hLabel1, 'Position');
pos2 = get(hLabel2, 'Position');
newX = min(pos1(1), pos2(1));
pos1(1) = newX;
pos2(1) = newX;
set(hLabel1, 'Position', pos1);
set(hLabel2, 'Position', pos2);
%%define xlabel
xlabel('Abstand in cm');
%%Define Legend
AX = legend(list,'Location','southoutside', 'orientation', 'horizontal');
AX.FontName = 'Helvetica';
Any suggestions? How do I know, what fonts are installed? Best regards, Henrik

Best Answer

At the end
AX.Position(1:2) = [0.005, 0.02] ; % Move legend down and center a bit.
ax2.Position(4) = ax1.Position(4) ; % Set height axes 2 = height axes 1.
ax1.Position(2) = ax1.Position(2)+0.03 ; % Move axes 1 up a notch.
ax2.Position(2) = ax2.Position(2)-0.1 ; % Move axes 2 down.
% And optionally.
set(gcf, 'Color', 'white') ;
AX.Box = 'off' ;
But you could also choose to position "things" by yourself using AXES instead of relying on SUBPLOT. For this, see my answer here.