MATLAB: Figure showing up tiny


For some reason my figures appear 1/4 the size in the top left of my figure window. Is this a bug? how can I make it show the full size in the window? This is how i'm generating the plot:
figh = figure();
hold on;
plot(xOriginalvalues, yOriginalvalues, 'ko','MarkerSize', 8);
plot(xClassicvalues, yClassicvalues, 'kx', 'MarkerSize', 8);
plot(xNGvalues, yNGvalues, 'k+', 'MarkerSize', 8);
legend({'Originals', 'Classics', 'Next Gen'}, 'FontSize', 11);
grid on;
title('Holding volume (m^3) vs Orders')
xlabel('Holding Volume');
ylabel('Airplane Orders');
%pos = get(figh, 'position'); %This is the fix that I tried, exactly the same as just dragging the corner
%set(figh, 'position', [pos(1:2)/4 pos(3:4)*2]);
hold off;
How can I fix this?

Best Answer

Restarting the Computer fixed it.
I am not able to reproduce this error anymore after restarting the mac. I had two crash files for when matlab died twice. I found out that it occurred after I tried to plot it to my computer from an ipad with the
>> connector $
command. I think it came about when I plotted it on the OS X matlab after already plotting it on the iPad.
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