MATLAB: Figure not appearing with gcf – is visible


When I use the anovan function as per the example below a figure is created. I want to edit the name of this figure (by adding a suffix). If I then try to get the name of the figure (as per last line of code below), a new figure is created as if there are no figures in the workspace. I've looked through the figure properties and the figure is visible. Is there something I am missing?
y = [52.7 57.5 45.9 44.5 53.0 57.0 45.9 44.0]';
g1 = [1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2];
g2 = {'hi';'hi';'lo';'lo';'hi';'hi';'lo';'lo'};
g3 = {'may';'may';'may';'may';'june';'june';'june';'june'};
[p,t,stats] = anovan(y,{g1,g2,g3})
get(gcf,'Name') %does not work (creates new figure)
If I try a different function such as multcompare it now works.
multcompare(stats) %needs the stats variable created by anovan
get(gcf,'Name') %this works

Best Answer

Ok, the handle appears to be hidden.
This thread got me on the right path
I found the handle by using the following:
findall(0,'Type','Figure','Name','N-way ANOVA','HandleVisibility','callback')
and was able to change the HandleVisibility to 'on' so additional plots using this function would not be picked up by the findall command