MATLAB: Figure Axis formatting; how to move label from axis

axisfigurelabel;logarithmicMATLABmove labelnew plotplottingscalex axis

Hello, I am trying to create my own x axis value labels on a logarithmic scale. To do this I am trying to move the label down, thus creating space between the edge of the plot and the x axis title. I then would like am making annotation boxes with the values I want as my labels. I can create the annotation boxes and move them but am unable to create the space between the axis label and x axis title. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

To change the position of the x label, store the handle to the xlabel, then change its position property. By default the axis labels are in 'data' units. If you want to move the x label down, you'll want to subtract from the y-coordinate of the x label position.
xlh = xlabel('x label');
xlh.Position(2) = xlh.Position(2) - 0.1; % move the label 0.1 data-units further down
In this demo below, the x label is moved down by 10% of its distance to the axes. Note that the x label position could have a positive or negative y-value so abs() is needed in order to always offet toward -inf.
axh = axes;
xlh = xlabel('x label');
xlh.Position(2) = xlh.Position(2) - abs(xlh.Position(2) * 0.1);
Caution: if you move the x label too far, it may no longer be visible.
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