MATLAB: Field of Structure not found after creating it

no fieldsstructs

Hi everyone,
I've got a somewhat strange error in one of my GUI-functions. After creating the global Struct "Data" in which I want to save my Variables, I don't have any Variables to access… I don't know the Matlab error, because I'm working with Octave at home, so I can only show you the Octave error:
C:/**/BHKW Berechnungerror: structure has no member 'Geb' error: called from BHKW_GUI at line 94 column 1
A short snippet of my code is:
function BHKW_GUI
% Global Vars:
global Data BHKW_GUIH
% Add path:
Path = mfilename('fullpath');
[Path,~,~] = fileparts(Path);
fprintf('test %s',Path)
Data.Geb.Heizlast = 40;
Data.Geb.Wfl = 3000;
Data.Geb.HG = 12;
Data.Geb.MinTA = -16;
% Standard-TRY (2010, normales Jahr, Mnchen, mittlerers Stadtgebiet)
Data = load(fullfile(Path,'TRY','TRY2010_norm_MUC_mittlStadtgebiet.mat'));
%%Start GUI:
% make figure:
BHKW_GUIH.Fenster = figure('Name','BHKW Auslegung');
% set(GUIH.Fenster,'Units','centimeters','Position',[1.5 2 45 24]);
set(BHKW_GUIH.Fenster,'Units','normalized','Position',[0.01 0.05 0.98 0.87]);
% make axes:
BHKW_GUIH.Axes = axes('Position',[28 14 20 10]);
% texts and edits (only one to show what I did here):
BHKW_GUIH.TextHL = uicontrol('Style','text','String','Norm-Heizlast [W/m^2]:',...
'Position',[1 23 3.5 1]);
BHKW_GUIH.EditHL = uicontrol('Style','Edit','String','40',...
'Position',[4.5 23.5 1 0.6],'Callback',@EditHL);
function EditHL(HObject,Event)
TMP = get(HObject,'String');
Data.Geb.Heizlast = str2double(TMP);
Any advice how to solve this error? I've always been working with structs to pass my variables and I've never encountered this error before. Maybe a typo I can't find? At work I'm using Matlab, so the error is not related to Octave… Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

Avoid global variables completely. It is really hard to find out, where the values in global variables are coming from, such that the debugging is impeded. Better store data belonging to a GUI inside the GUI using guidata, the figure's UserData oder set/getappdata. If a subfunction is called, delivering values as input is even easier and nicer.