MATLAB: FFT HDL Optimized for HDL Coder(When generate RTL Code and Testbench,occur error:)

fft hdl optimizedHDL CoderMATLABnosuchmethodorfield

Hi; I have this message when try to convert FFT HDL Optimized TO HDL ,and when generate RTL Code and Testbench,get a error:"Error: Evaluation of elaborate function on class hdldspblks.HDLFFT failed with the error message: MATLAB:noSuchMethodOrField: hdlcoder.tp_array .There are no appropriate methods, properties, or fields Signed".
My MATLAB version is 2014a.And the simulation has no error.
How can I figure it out? Thank u !!!

Best Answer

This is an unexpected internal error. I believe it is fixed in subsequent release. By any chance are you using a reciprocal of some kind with vector inputs? You can try sldiagnostics('modelname') to get an overview of blocks used in the entire model.
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