MATLAB: Fetching data from yahoo

Datafeed Toolboxfetchhistorical stock pricesyahoo

Dear all;
When ı try to retrieve historical stock prices data ı receive the following error
Error using yahoo (line 63) Unable to connect or retrieve data from given URL
PS: ı used following to commands to retrieve the data >>conn=yahoo(''); >>d=fetch(conn,'IBM'); and
>> conn2 = yahoo; >>d=fetch(conn2,'IBM');
Thanks in advence
Kind Regards

Best Answer

The MathWorks Support Team recently posted an update on this issue. Here is the answer to save you the click:
“In April 2017, Yahoo introduced some changes in the protocol of their API. These changes prevented the Datafeed Toolbox from connecting to the service. The following webpage contains the workaround for this issue and instructions on how to apply the fix.
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