MATLAB: Features (variable) ranking/selection


I am working on a mood detection from audio files algorithm and I need to compare results in variables (scalar) then display an answer based on that comparison.
For example: if variable1 = 1 and (variable2 = 1 or variable2 = 2) then display 'x'.
The problem is each variable has a different weight when I am displaying the results (i.e. variable1 weighs 40% and variable2 weighs 50%).
Is there any way to do this using any MATLAB functions?
I've turned the Internet upside down looking for an answer but couldn't find anything that would help me.
Thank you in advance for your help!
Kind regards,

Best Answer

As you can see by now, you're making yourself clear and no one knows what you mean. I just thought I'd add my guess to the mix. Create a weighted value, then threshold it.
value = weight1 * dynamics + ...
weight2 * tempo + ...
weight3 * pitch + ...
weight4 * keymode + ...
weight5 * timbre;
if value > someThreshold
% Do something.
% Do something else.