MATLAB: Feature extraction for pap-smear images

feature extractionpap-smear imagesegmentation

I am doing my project on image classification on pap-smear images. for segmention i got some codes that can segment nucleus and cytoplasm. but for the image like i have attached here, i cant segment the nucleus and cytoplasm separately. pls help me with the code that can segment the nucleus from the cytoplasm. Also i would like to know how can i extract the features for these pap-smear images. i require code for feature extraction of the images? please help me with it
thank you in advance.

Best Answer

From the similar question here I can see you are using Image Segmenter App right now for creating ROI labels. This is a good tool for creating a mask or filter for similar images. If you want to segment different images and not all images are correctly segmented by single filter in Image Segmenter App you may try using Deep Learning for Image Segmentation, here lot of examples are given to get started.
Since for using deep learning you required to have ground truths for training the model network for which some manual labelling is required. You may use Image Labeler App for the same. Since it’s a medical image segmentation task, segnetLayers and unetLayers would be best suited.
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