MATLAB: FDR (mafdr function) odd behavior

mafdr fdr bug

I noticed this odd result when using matlab's FDR function – thought maybe someone might want to comment. Maybe I am using the function badly – but I guess I might not be the only one if so – thanks.
fp = [0,0];
N_sims = 1000;
N_samp = 20;
adj_p2 = nan(N_samp,1);adj_p1 = nan(N_samp,1);
for ix = 1:N_sims
p = rand(N_samp,1);
[adj_p1,Q] = mafdr(p);
% [~, ~, ~, adj_p2] = fdr_bh(p);
fp = fp + double([adj_p1,adj_p2]<0.05);
result: 3.3 (and near 0.05 as expected with version from
I found this which was relevant (although it's for 2012, while I am using 2018a):
There is a suggestion there to set lambda = 0.15. This does seem to work, infact, pretty much any value of lambda that is settable seems to give more reasonable answers than when it is not set.
It seems a bit dangerous that by default mafdr has this odd behavior if lambda is not set.

Best Answer

For future reference, the number of p-values here is too small to use Storey's Q-value method. If you change N_samp to say 500, the results would be much more reasonable. The default FDR implementation in mafdr was originally developed for genomic data, as it is mentioned in, "Because we are considering many features (i.e., m is very large), it can be shown that ..."
For small sets of p-value (m<1,000) such as the one you are testing, it is safer to use Benjamini and Hochberg algorithm using FDR = mafdr(P,'BHFDR',1), which probably should be the default setting for mafdr.
For detailed discussion on this issue, read