MATLAB: FastText word embedding support package

fasttextnlptext analytics

I'm using the Text Analytics Toolbox and the Pretrained fastText word embedding support package. Is it possible for me to add addional words to the pretrained vocabulary?

Best Answer

To answer my own question, the following example code shows how to add words to the embedding vocabulary. This requires a new embedding object to be created.
>> emb = fastTextWordEmbedding;
>> vocab = emb.Vocabulary;
>> mat = word2vec(emb, vocab);
>> newvocab = [vocab "New Word 1" "New Word 2"];
>> newmat = [mat; randn(2,300)];
>> newemb = wordEmbedding(newvocab, newmat);
In addition, I have confirmed it is possible to use the fastText pretrained 2 Million words (600 billion tokens) rather than the default 1 Million words (16 billion token) which is provided with the MATLAB fastTextWordEmbedding function.
To do this, replace the "" file with the alternative pre-trained word vectors file from
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