MATLAB: Faster winner takes all

MATLABwinner takes all

I 've made an mplementation of the winner takes all rule (WTA) using a for loop (code bellow). But now I want to "harden" ~8 million values and the loop is very slow (several hours). Any idea for a faster WTA implementation? In detail, if we have a matrix with values in [0,1] we need to replace them with 1 for > 0.75 or with 0 for < 0.75.
function H = wta(S)
% Winner Takes All (WTA) rule
% returns the hard values for S
[row,col] = size(S);
for r = 1:row
if S(r,1) > 0.75
H(r,1) = 1;
H(r,1) = 0;

Best Answer

H = S > .75;