MATLAB: Faster method for polyfit along 3rd dimension of a large 3D matrix


I am currently working with large data cubes in the form of an MxNxP matrix. The P-dimension represents the signal at each (m,n) pixel. I must obtain a Z-order polynomial fit(where Z varies depending on the situation) for each signal in the data cube. Currently, I utilize a "for" loop to obtain the signal at each pixel, obtain the polynomial coefficients, then calculate the fitted curve. The code I use is fundamentally similar to the following:
dataCube = rand(1000,1000,300);
x = rand(300,1);
sizeCube = size(dataCube);
polyCube = zeros(sizeCube);
for ii = 1:sizeCube(1);
for iii = 1:sizeCube(2);
signal = squeeze(dataCube(ii,iii,:));
a = polyfit(x,signal,z)
y = polyval(a,x);
polyCube(ii,iii,:) = y;
Because of the quantity of iterations in the for loop, this operation takes a considerable amount of time for each data cube. Is there a faster way to obtain the polynomial fitting, without having to resort to the iterative process I use here. Perhaps, something similar to the filter function where you can apply the filter to a specific dimension of a matrix, rather than extracting each signal?
filteredCube = filter(b,a,dataCube,[],3)
Thanks, Justin

Best Answer

This can be accomplished in a fraction of the time with some matrix operations.
dataCube = rand(100,100,300);
sizeCube = size(dataCube);
x = rand(300,1);
z = 3;
V = bsxfun(@power,x,0:z);
M = V*pinv(V);
polyCube = M*reshape(permute(dataCube,[3 1 2]),sizeCube(3),[]);
polyCube = reshape(polyCube,[sizeCube(3) sizeCube(1) sizeCube(2)]);
polyCube = permute(polyCube,[2 3 1]);