MATLAB: Fast Image/Axes Rotation in GUI

gui image rotation

I trying to to rotate an image in a GUI based on a transient input. Think of a Steering Wheel which should rotate in realtime (based on given input values). I have a solution but it takes up to 200 ms which is a bit slow. (Aiming for less to get it smoother) I am displaying the image with:
global Im_Theta
Imshow(IMAGE, 'Parent', handles.ax_Image);
The Rotation is done by calling my rotation function:
function [Im_Rotated, Alpha_Rotated]=Im_rotate(Image, Alphamap, delta_theta)
global Im_Theta
T = [cos(Im_Theta) -sin(Im_Theta) 0;
sin(Im_Theta) cos(Im_Theta) 0;
0 0 1];
form = maketform('affine', T);
Image_Alpha = cat(3,Image, Alphamap);
Image_Alpha = imtransform(Image_Alpha, tform);
Im_Rotated = Image_Alpha(:,:,1:3);
Alpha_Rotated = Image_Alpha(:,:,4);
And then reploting the Image
h_Imshow=Imshow(Im_Rotated, 'Parent', handles.ax_Image);
set(h_Imshow, 'AlphaData', Alpha_Rotated);
The Problem is I dont need the rotated images' Information. All I need is the "spinning" Image on the GUI. I tried rotate and view but it doesn't seem to work with images.
Additional Infos:
– NO Image Processing Toolbox available
– It's a PNG Image with Alpha
– Using delta Theta and Theta to avoid fragments due to multiple rotations
– Summing up the Image with its Alpha in one matrix before imtransform helps to reduce by 50 ms.
Thanks in advance

Best Answer

If you only need to display the spinning image, then you would use a slightly different routine, makehgtform(), which you would apply it to a hgtransform() object that the image had been parented to.